Title: Caught In The Rain: Winter Sloth
Author: Joanne Sexton
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Sinful Seasons Collection: Book 6
Ruby gets caught in the rain and runs into Ethan, literally, as she tries to hail a cab. It’s love at first sight for them both and they become inseparable.
Their love affair is passionate and intense, and they spend just about every waking moment together building their love stronger and stronger.
When Ethan breaks her heart, Ruby becomes a sloth, depressed and isolated. Her family try and coax her from her voluntary solitude, but nothing will shift Ruby’s depression.
Will Ruby give Ethan another chance or is she destined to live without the love of her life?
Joanne Sexton is an Australian romance writer and mother of two. Reading is her first passion after writing, then music, floristry and movies. Her children keep her busy but she always finds time for her passions. A writer and reader of romance.
Joanne previously wrote under the name Joanne Ellis. Rich Girl (formally known as Spoilt under Joanne Ellis) held the No. 1 position on an Amazon's Bestselling list in US and No.2 in the UK.
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