Title: Breaking Free: A Book Of Poems
Author: Katlyn DeRouen
Genre: Poetry
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I have said many words
Many apologies
I have spent many nights
Grieving over who I am
In accordance to the rest of the world
I am no longer saying sorry
For the beautiful chaos
That is my mind.
BREAKING FREE is a collection of poems written from the personal experiences of the author involving serious issues, and the amount of strength it takes to overcome them. After two years of trauma, crying, and watching as her heart struggled to put the pieces back together, she finally put the pen to paper and let her thoughts be released into the world. No longer using a character to express her emotions, she sheds the skin of her past and breaks forward into her future. She hopes this helps you, too.
Many apologies
I have spent many nights
Grieving over who I am
In accordance to the rest of the world
I am no longer saying sorry
For the beautiful chaos
That is my mind.
BREAKING FREE is a collection of poems written from the personal experiences of the author involving serious issues, and the amount of strength it takes to overcome them. After two years of trauma, crying, and watching as her heart struggled to put the pieces back together, she finally put the pen to paper and let her thoughts be released into the world. No longer using a character to express her emotions, she sheds the skin of her past and breaks forward into her future. She hopes this helps you, too.
Instagram: @authorkatlynderouen
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